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HMAG Board of Directors

Overview of Positions

HMAG’s Bylaws state it must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and "any other officers as determined by the board of directors."

Administrative Roles

  • The President is the principal executive officer of HMAG and supervises and controls all of the business and affairs of the organization. The President presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors (BOD), signs any contracts which the BOD has authorized, and is responsible for informing the Board of possible programs, meetings, and functions of the organization.

  • In the absence of the President or in the event of his or her inability to act, the Vice President performs the duties of the President. The Vice President also performs any other duties assigned by the President or BOD.   

  • The Treasurer is responsible for the funds of the organization, receives and gives receipts for moneys due, and makes deposits in the organization's accounts, according to the provisions of the Bylaws. The treasurer keeps proper books and submits a report of the accounts and financial condition at each annual meeting of the BOD. 

  • The Secretary keeps the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, gives notices in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws or as required by law. 

  • The Membership Chair maintains accurate records of all memberships paid either by check or through PayPal; sends each new and renewing member a welcome letter and membership card; provides member directory information to be published on the Member Only section of the HMAG website, and maintains an email distribution list of members to be used for sending regular communications. 


Activity Roles

  • The Programs Chair is responsible for selecting and scheduling the speaker(s) or activity for monthly member meetings, working out all logistics such as confirming time, place, and costs involved with each program, writing up a description of the program to be used on the HMAG website and in email and newsletter communication, providing refreshments as needed, and arranging for all required audio-visual and/or logistics needs at the hosting venue. 

  • The Workshop Coordinator is responsible for developing a quarterly schedule of workshops, determining topics for instruction, contacting potential instructors, scheduling time and location to host the workshop, developing a budget and determining cost, purchasing (for reimbursement) supplies specified by the instructor, writing up a description of the workshop to be used on the HMAG website and in email and newsletter communication, and facilitating the workshop by arranging for refreshments as needed, taking photos, and gathering evaluation. 

  • The Special Projects Coordinator is responsible for member shows and exhibitions, usually one per year. This involves making arrangements with the exhibition venue and the juror, developing the exhibition prospectus, monitoring the entries and ensuring they meet defined requirements, accepting work for exhibition through mail or personal delivery, and arranging for display set-up, break-down, and return of artworks to the artist. 

  • The Education Coordinator is responsible for managing two programs within HMAG: A Student Scholarship to be awarded to a student in a metals program from an area school, and a Member Development Grant to be used by an HMAG member in good standing for purpose of attending a workshop, professional event, or otherwise assisting the member to enhance metalsmithing knowledge and development. For both programs, the Education Coordinator develops a prospectus and timeline, publicizes the program to the target population, manages the applications, arranges for judging, and ensures that the winner receives the award as intended. 

  • The Communications Director maintains the HMAG website, adding announcements and descriptions of upcoming events, posting photos and documenting past events, updating the Members Only section with the current membership directory, Board of Directors meeting minutes, copies of newsletters, and responds to all emails received via the website. Using MailChimp, the Communications Director also sends out regular email announcements and posts to social media to HMAG members and interested individuals of programs, workshops, activities, calls for entry, scholarship and grant opportunities, and all other communication as requested by the Board of Directors. The Communications Director coordinates with the Social Media Director posting of all announcements.

  • The Social Media Director coordinates with the Communications Director posting of upcoming events and photos on all social media outlets and creates events on Facebook.

  • The Newsletter Director creates a biannual print newsletter to be mailed to all HMAG members which documents current and planned activities of the guild, and also includes articles of interest, such as tips and tricks, profiles of scholarship and grant winners, photos of winning entries at HMAG exhibitions, advertisements from our corporate members, and accomplishments of members.



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